wart & mole removal

wart & mole removal

Warts and mole are tough skin conditions which can be treated by any of the following treatments –

Excision: Excision (cutting out) of the warts or mole is done with the help of a surgical blade or scissor. This process is considered for large size warts or mole which might be cancerous.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy uses the liquid nitrogen to destroy the wart or mole by freezing process. This process can cause blistering and scabbing which falls off eventually.

Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is where a focused beam of light is used to destroy the wart or mole. This is preferred for the smaller size moles or warts which are not deep-rooted.

Topical Treatments: Some of topical treatments like cream containing salicylic acid or imiquimod capable of dissolving the wart/mole are recommended.

One should always consult a dermatologist for understanding the nature of a mole or wart before undertaking the appropriate treatment. Dermatologists may recommend the conduction of a biopsy to rule out its cancerous nature of it. Additionally, the removal of a mole or wart should be done under the supervision of the clinician/dermatologist for any infection or scarring.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. No. The wart and mole are very different from each other. Moles are skin growths that are pigmented and are either raised or flat whereas warts are caused by viruses and appear as raised rough skin growth.

A. If the mole or wart changes shape, size, color, bleeding, or causing discomfort then is the right time to consult the dermatologist. And if skin cancer runs in family history, then it is very important to check the appearance of any new mole or wart through dermatologists.  

A. If the mole or wart changes shape, size, color, bleeding, or causing discomfort then is the right time to consult the dermatologist. And if skin cancer runs in family history, then it is very important to check the appearance of any new mole or wart through dermatologists.  

A. No.  The wart or mole removal treatment like excision, laser therapy, or cryosurgery is conducted by dermatologists in the clinical setup under the anesthesia impact. This way the chances of contracting infection or developing scar are checked. And topical treatment can be done at home. A biopsy is conducted when a mole changes its color, size, or shape to rule out any cancerous nature.  

The different treatments to remove moles and warts are as follows –

  • Cryotherapy
  • Excision
  • Laser Therapy
  • Topical therapy

The best treatment depends upon the size, shape, and location of the mole or wart.

A. The excision-like procedure for a mole or wart may cause a scar. However, dermatologists can recommend the appropriate treatment for the wart or mole removal that can minimize the scarring and pain. Post-procedure care is important and helpful in minimizing scarring and promoting healing.