Keloids treatment 

Keloids treatment 

The raised, thickened tissues of skin scar called as keloid are considered difficult to be treated skin conditions. The different treatment options for keloid removal are as follows –

Corticosteroid Injections: The corticosteroid injections are directly injected into the scar tissues for reducing the inflammation and shrinkage of the keloid.

Surgery: The keloid removal surgery involves excising the keloid and closing the wound with stiches. This method has been effective for smaller size keloids but one cannot rule out its recurrence.

Cryotherapy: In this method, the abnormal tissue of the keloid is destroyed by freezing it with liquid nitrogen. It has been effective in the removal of smaller-size keloids.

Laser Therapy: in this treatment, the laser is focused on the keloid either for shrinking or flattening it. Laser therapy has been effective for treating smaller keloids rather than larger ones.

Silicone sheets or gel: These products are applied over the keloid for reduction of the keloid size or its thickness over a period of time.

Radiation Therapy: In cases of large keloids, low-dose radiation is applied either to shrink or flattened the keloids.  

As the keloid can recur even after the treatment, it is very important to undertake the treatment from a qualified healthcare provider who has experience in conducting the above-mentioned treatment methods depending upon the size and location of the keloid for maximizing the treatment outcome and minimizing the risk of recurrence. The combination of the multiple treatment approaches has increased the treatment success rate.


Frequently Asked Questions

A. The keloids are an overgrowth of skin scar which is formed after any skin injury event like – infection/incision that can be due to acne or burn/piercings/injections (vaccination/ treatment) or surgical incisions.

A. No. Keloids do not cause any harm other than unsightly appearance or discomfort in the form of itching. In a very rare case, keloid might grow so large to affect the movement or blood supply to the area.

A. No. keloid formation cannot be prevented. But one can definitely prevent it from forming. Prompt treatment of any skin injury or infection and avoiding unnecessary skin traumas like – skin piercing and tattooing can prevent keloid formation.

A. No. Keloid cannot be cured but it can be only treated. The keloid’s size and appearance can be reduced with the help of treatment irrespective of the risk of recurrence.

A. Surgery has been one of the effective treatments for the keloid of smaller size with the chances or risk of its recurrence.  Additional treatments like laser therapy or corticosteroid injection have been effective in cases of recurrence or large keloids

A. Healthcare providers apply local anaesthesia for the conduction of the keloid removal procedure and post-procedure pain management is prescribed to minimize or check the discomfort 

The time taken for the keloid removal treatment for becoming visible depends upon the size, location of the keloid, and type of treatment used. The treatment results might be visible from several weeks to a few months depending upon the treatment.

A. Yes. Keloids can recur after the removal procedure or treatment. One needs to follow up with the healthcare provider in case of recurrence. One needs to know more about the additional treatment options in case the keloids recur.